5 Amazon Product Bundling Tips for More Sales


Ever wondered why some Amazon sellers seem to have a magic touch with product bundles?

It’s not luck—it’s strategy. Bundling products is more than just grouping items together; it’s a powerful technique that can boost your sales, enhance customer experience, and increase your visibility on Amazon. But mastering the art of bundling requires more than just slapping products together.

To truly stand out and drive sales, you need to approach bundling with creativity and insight. Here are seven game-changing tips to transform your bundling strategy and watch your Amazon sales soar.

What Is Product Bundling on Amazon?

Product bundling on Amazon involves selling multiple related products together as a single package. This strategy provides added value to customers by offering complementary items in one convenient bundle. For example, rather than selling a camera and its accessories separately, a seller might offer them together in a single package, providing a complete solution and enabling customers to enjoy significant cost savings.

5 Amazon Product Bundling Tips for More Sales on Amazon

1. Combine Related Products

When bundling products, choose items that naturally go together. For example, if you sell a kitchen blender, you could bundle it with items like a set of mixing bowls, measuring cups, or a recipe book. This way, customers can buy everything they need in one convenient package without having to search for additional items separately.

Bundling related products saves time for the customer and makes their shopping experience smoother. When people see that they can get all the necessary tools in one purchase, they’re more likely to choose your bundle over buying individual products from different sellers.

2. Offer Discounts on Bundles

Price is a big motivator for customers, and offering a small discount on your product bundles can make them more appealing. Even a slight price reduction compared to buying each item separately can create a sense of value, encouraging customers to choose the bundle instead of purchasing individual products.

Everyone loves the feeling of getting a deal, so by offering bundles at a discounted price, you can attract more customers. This strategy can increase your overall sales and help move more products quickly, especially if customers feel they are getting more for their money.

3. Focus on Best-Selling Products

When creating bundles, it’s smart to include your best-selling or most popular products. These items already have proven demand, so pairing them with other related products can boost the sales of your less-known or newer items. For example, if your most popular product is a coffee machine, you could bundle it with coffee beans or mugs.

By adding best-sellers to your bundles, you’re giving customers a reason to trust the quality of the other items in the package. This not only helps to increase sales of the bundle but can also introduce customers to products they might not have otherwise tried.

4. Create Value-Driven Bundles

For a bundle to be successful, it needs to offer real value to the customer. Think about what makes sense to bundle together in a way that is useful for the buyer. Don’t just throw random items together—combine products that genuinely enhance each other, like pairing a digital camera with memory cards and a camera case.

A value-driven bundle means the customer feels like they are getting something truly useful and convenient. When you create thoughtful bundles that cater to customers’ needs, they are more likely to appreciate the offer and make a purchase, increasing both customer satisfaction and sales.

5. Test Different Bundles

It’s important to experiment with various product combinations and price points to find out what works best. Start by testing different bundles and carefully track which ones sell the most. For example, you could try bundling two high-demand products or one popular product with a new or slower-moving item.

By regularly reviewing sales data, you can adjust your strategies and optimize your bundles for maximum profit. Testing allows you to learn what your customers really want, so you can create even better bundles that are more likely to sell.

Example of Amazon Product Bundles

  1. Burt’s Bees Back-to-School Gifts

2. Birthday Gifts for Women

3. Las Posadas Candy

Bundles vs. Kits vs. Multipacks

Before diving into the specifics of product bundling, it’s important to understand the distinctions between bundles, kits, and multipacks:

  • Bundles consist of different, yet complementary, products that together provide a complete experience for the customer. For example, a bundle might include a yoga mat, yoga blocks, and a water bottle.

  • Kits are a type of bundle but are typically more specialized, often including instructions for assembly or use. An example of a kit would be a DIY craft kit that includes all the necessary materials and tools.

  • Multipacks are packages containing multiples of the same product. For instance, a six-pack of socks is a multipack. Unlike bundles, multipacks offer several units of the same item rather than a mix of different products.

Benefits of Creating Amazon Bundles

Product bundling offers several benefits for both Amazon sellers and customers:

1. Increased Sales

When you bundle products together and offer a small discount, customers often feel like they’re getting a better deal. This can encourage them to buy more than they originally intended. For example, instead of just buying one item, they might purchase a bundle that includes several related products, leading to a higher total sale for you. Bundling can make customers feel like they’re saving money, which can boost your overall sales.

2. Higher Perceived Value

Customers are often drawn to bundles because they perceive them as offering more value. Even with a small discount, getting multiple items together makes the purchase feel like a better investment. For example, if a customer buys a set of skincare products instead of just a single cream, they’re likely to feel they’re getting more for their money. This perceived value makes bundles more attractive, increasing the chances of a sale.

3. Improved Inventory Management

If you have products that aren’t selling as quickly as you’d like, bundling them with popular items can help move that slower stock. This allows you to clear out inventory that might otherwise remain unsold for a long time. By pairing best-sellers with lesser-known products, you can introduce customers to new items while managing your inventory more efficiently.

4. Reduced Competition

Creating a unique bundle sets your product listing apart from others. Since no two sellers will likely offer the exact same combination of items, you can reduce the amount of direct competition. This helps your listing stand out in a crowded marketplace and can give you a competitive edge. Customers are more likely to choose a bundle if they see that it offers something different from the usual single-product listings.

By bundling, you can offer a better shopping experience for your customers, while also increasing your chances of boosting sales and managing inventory effectively.

Amazon Bundling Guidelines To Consider Before Creating Product Bundles

Before you start creating product bundles on Amazon, it’s crucial to be aware of Amazon’s bundling guidelines. These rules ensure that all bundles meet Amazon’s standards and provide a good customer experience:

  • Bundled products must be complementary: Amazon requires that the items in a bundle be related and enhance each other’s value.

  • Bundles must be listed as a single product: A bundle is treated as a single product with one SKU, and customers cannot purchase individual items separately from the bundle.

  • Unique UPC or GTIN: Your bundle must have its own unique UPC (Universal Product Code) or GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), separate from the codes used for the individual products.

  • Compliance with Amazon’s policies: Ensure that your bundle complies with all of Amazon’s other selling policies, including product quality standards, packaging, and labeling.

How To Find Products To Bundle?

Finding the right products to bundle is a key step in creating successful bundles. Here are some strategies to help you identify products that work well together:

1. Search “Bundle” on Amazon

One simple way to get ideas for bundling is to search for the term “bundle” on Amazon. This will show you what other Amazon sellers are offering, giving you inspiration for potential bundles you can create.

2. Look at the “Frequently Bought Together” Section

Amazon’s “Frequently Bought Together” section on product pages shows which items customers often purchase together. This can be a goldmine for bundle ideas, as it reveals natural product pairings that customers find useful.

3. Use Amazon Tools

There are various Amazon tools available, such as Jungle Scout or Helium 10, that can help you analyze market trends and identify profitable bundling opportunities. These tools can provide insights into which products are often purchased together and help you forecast demand for your bundles.

How to Bundle Products on Amazon?

Creating a successful product bundle on Amazon involves several key steps:

Step 1: Find the Right Products to Bundle

As mentioned earlier, identifying complementary products that provide value to customers is essential. Use the strategies discussed above to research and select the best products for your bundle.

Step 2: Build Your Product Bundle

Once you’ve chosen your products, the next step is to create the entire bundle. Ensure the items are logically connected and offer a complete solution or enhanced experience for the customer. For example, when bundling a laptop with accessories, you could include a mouse, a laptop case, and a screen cleaning kit.

Step 3: Obtain a UPC or Apply for a GTIN Exemption

Your product bundle requires a unique identifier, such as a UPC or GTIN. If you’re bundling private-label products, you may already have these codes. If not, you can purchase a UPC or apply for a GTIN exemption through Amazon, which allows you to list your bundle without a traditional UPC.

Step 4: Create Your Bundle Listing

A compelling product listing is crucial for driving sales. Clearly describe the bundle, highlighting the benefits of buying the products together. Use high-quality images that show all the items in the bundle and optimize the listing with relevant keywords.

Step 5: Optimize Your Bundle for Sales

To optimize your bundle listing, use bullet points to highlight key features, write a clear and concise product description, and include customer reviews. Ensure your pricing is competitive, and consider offering discounts to make the bundle more appealing.

How to Sell Amazon Product Bundles?

There are several ways to sell product bundles on Amazon, depending on your business model and goals:

1. Selling Wholesale Bundles on Amazon

Wholesale bundling involves purchasing products in bulk from manufacturers or distributors and bundling them together. This approach can be cost-effective and enables you to offer unique bundles that aren’t available from other sellers.

2. Selling Your Own Private-Label Products

If you have your own brand, you can create private-label product bundles. This allows you to fully control the products and packaging, enabling you to design highly customized bundles that reflect your brand’s identity.

Step 3: Obtain a UPC or Apply for a GTIN Exemption

Your product bundle requires a unique identifier, such as a UPC or GTIN. If you’re bundling private-label products, you may already have these codes. If not, you can purchase a UPC or apply for a GTIN exemption through Amazon, which allows you to list your bundle without a traditional UPC.

Step 4: Create Your Bundle Listing

A compelling product listing is crucial for driving sales. Clearly describe the bundle, highlighting the benefits of buying the products together. Use high-quality images that show all the items in the bundle and optimize the listing with relevant keywords.

Step 5: Optimize Your Bundle for Sales

To optimize your bundle listing, use bullet points to highlight key features, write a clear and concise product description, and include customer reviews. Ensure your pricing is competitive, and consider offering discounts to make the bundle more appealing.

How to Sell Amazon Product Bundles?

There are several ways to sell product bundles on Amazon, depending on your business model and goals:

1. Selling Wholesale Bundles on Amazon

Wholesale bundling involves purchasing products in bulk from manufacturers or distributors and bundling them together. This approach can be cost-effective and enables you to offer unique bundles that aren’t available from other sellers.

2. Selling Your Own Private-Label Products

If you have your own brand, you can create private-label product bundles. This allows you to fully control the products and packaging, enabling you to design highly customized bundles that reflect your brand’s identity.

3. Amazon’s Virtual Product Bundles (VPB)

Amazon’s Virtual Product Bundles feature lets sellers create bundles from existing inventory without physically bundling the items. This saves time and simplifies inventory management, as the items are shipped separately but sold as a single bundle.


Product bundling on Amazon is a powerful strategy that can help you increase sales, differentiate your offerings, and provide greater value to your customers. By following Amazon’s bundling guidelines, carefully selecting complementary products, and optimizing your listings, you can create successful bundles that resonate with shoppers.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I bundle any products together on Amazon?

No, Amazon has specific guidelines for product bundling. The items in the bundle must be complementary and enhance each other’s value. Additionally, the bundle must have its own unique UPC or GTIN.

2. How do I obtain a UPC for my product bundle?

You can purchase a UPC from a reputable source or apply for a GTIN exemption through Amazon if your products meet the criteria.

3. Can I use Amazon FBA for Amazon bundles?

Yes, you can use Amazon FBA to fulfill product bundles. However, you need to ensure that your bundle meets all of Amazon’s FBA requirements.

4. What are the benefits of using Amazon’s Virtual Product Bundles (VPB)?

Amazon’s VPB feature allows you to create bundles from existing inventory without physically bundling the items, which can save time and reduce inventory management complexity.

5. How do I price my product bundle competitively?

Pricing your bundle requires balancing the perceived value with profitability. Research competitors’ pricing, consider the individual costs of the items and determine a price point that offers value to the customer while ensuring a profit for your business.

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