N-Gram Analysis for Amazon Ads: Uncover Hidden Search Patterns


Ever feel like you’re missing something in your Amazon PPC Search Terms report? You might be! Sure, they show what people are searching for, but what if there’s a hidden pattern? A way to understand your customer’s search pattern even better?

That’s where n-gram analysis comes in. It’s a fancy way of saying we’ll break down your search terms to uncover hidden trends. This can help you save money on ads and reach more of the right shoppers.

In this blog, we’ll explain what n-gram analysis is, how it works, and how to use it to get the most out of your Amazon Ads search terms.

What is N-gram?

N-gram analysis is a powerful technique for dissecting search queries within Amazon Ads. It involves breaking down search terms into sequences of N words, where N can be any number. By analyzing these sequences (n-grams), you gain valuable insights into the specific phrases and keywords driving user searches related to your products.

Types of N-grams

  1. Unigram (1-gram): A single word or character.

  2. Bigram (2-gram): A sequence of two adjacent words or characters.

  3. Trigram (3-gram): A sequence of three adjacent words or characters.

  4. Four-gram (4-gram): A sequence of four adjacent words or characters.

Example of N-gram Analysis

Let’s look at an example of a jewelry brand selling on Amazon.

They might be getting clicks from search queries like “rose gold necklace,” “gold necklace for women,” “sterling silver necklace,” “women’s silver necklace,” etc.

Now, for unigram (1-gram analysis), we will split all the search queries into individual unique words such as:

  • necklace

  • gold

  • women

  • silver

  • rose

  • for

  • sterling

Similarly, for bigram (2-gram analysis), we will split all the search queries into two-word combinations such as:

  • gold necklace

  • silver necklace

  • rose gold

  • necklace gold

  • necklace for

  • for women

  • women sterling

  • sterling silver

  • necklace women

  • women silver

In a similar manner, we can create this for 3-gram, 4-gram, and so on.

How Is This Helpful?

Let’s consider the unigram example of a real brand.

Adbrew n gram analysis

We have sorted the search terms by most spend to least spend and analyzed the performance of each unigram.

You will observe that the 10th unigram, “silver,” has received 295 clicks and has a significantly higher ACOS than the other terms. This indicates that whenever the word “silver” is present in any search query, it does not lead to successful conversions for our products.

Let’s verify this by looking at the exact search terms containing the word “silver.”


In the screenshot above, we can see that there were a total of 291 search terms across different campaigns that generated these 295 clicks. Only two search terms drove 3 orders, while the remaining 189 search terms had 0 orders with just a few clicks.

This level of insight would not be easily identifiable if we were just looking at these 295 search terms alone.

How to Perform N-gram Analysis?

If you’re comfortable with Excel formulas and scripting, you can create an N-gram report from your Amazon Sponsored search term report and analyze it there.

On the other hand, you can use software like Adbrew, which includes a ready-made N-gram analyzer, to generate N-gram reports based on your real-time ad data.

This means you won’t have to perform this analysis every day or week in Excel with new search term reports. Adbrew will refresh your N-gram report every hour with new search terms and ad performance data.

On top of that, it makes it easy for you to take the following one-click actions we’ll discuss next.

Adbrew N gram tool for Amazon Ads

What to Do with N-gram Analysis Results?

Here are a few actions you can take after performing N-gram analysis on your search term report.

  1. Find New Targeting Opportunities:

Filter your N-gram report by your desired ACOS and order threshold to find phrases that drive sales for your brand. Then, target those queries using “phrase match” in your campaign.

For example, suppose this brand has 63 unique phrases that drive sales with an ACOS below 20%.

No gram analysis for Amazon ads search terms

They can check their existing target report and add any of these missing keywords to their campaign to capitalize on high-performing terms.

Tip: As you increase the n-gram value (from 2-gram to 3-gram and so on), you’ll find more long-tail and less competitive keyword targets for your brand.

  1. Add Low-Performing Search Terms as Negative Keywords

In a similar manner, you can filter your N-gram report for phrases that have received a sufficient number of clicks (usually 2-5 times the clicks required to get a conversion based on your brand’s conversion rate) but are not driving any orders at all or are driving orders at a very high ACOS.

For example, suppose this brand has received more than 25 clicks on 17 phrases that are not driving any orders for the brand. The brand can add these keywords as negative phrases in their campaigns to ensure their ads are never triggered for queries that include these phrases.

No gram analysis for Amazon ads search terms

Final Thought

The N-gram analyzer is a valuable tool for uncovering granular patterns in your shoppers’ search queries that might otherwise go unnoticed. This approach allows you to identify new high-performing keyword opportunities for your Amazon PPC campaigns while also pinpointing non-converting search terms that can be negated to reduce wasted ad spend. By leveraging N-gram analysis, you can optimize your campaign more effectively, enhancing your overall advertising efforts.

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