Amazon Sessions vs Pageviews: Which Metric Should You Track?


If you’ve ever found yourself scratching your head over Sessions and Pageviews on your Amazon business reports, you’re not alone.

At first glance, they might seem like they measure the same thing—product page traffic—but they’re actually quite distinct. And grasping these differences is crucial for understanding customer behavior and fine-tuning your listings to boost sales.

In this blog post, we will dive deep into what each metric means, why they matter, and how you can leverage them to their advantage.

What is Amazon Session?

Imagine a customer visiting your offline store. They walk in, browse different sections, maybe pick up a few items to examine, and eventually make a purchase (or leave empty-handed). This entire visit counts as one session.

Similarly, an Amazon session represents a single visitor’s browsing activity on your listings within a specific timeframe (typically 24 hours). It encompasses all their page views, searches, and interactions during that period.

Key Points About Sessions:

  • Unique Visitors: Each session represents a unique visitor, even if they view multiple pages during their visit. Many Amazon sellers mistake it for how many individual customers come to their page, but it actually represents the number of unique visitors visiting the page.

  • Session Duration: The time a session lasts depends on user behavior. It could be a quick glance or a lengthy research session before a purchase.

  • Multiple Devices: A single user can create multiple sessions if they visit your listing from different devices (desktop, mobile) within the timeframe.

What is Amazon Pageview?

You can think of a pageview as a single instance of a specific page being loaded. Every time a customer lands on your product listing page, a new pageview is registered. This includes:

  • Refreshing the product page

  • Clicking through different variations of the same product

  • Viewing the page from different devices within a short time (if cookies haven’t cleared)

Key Points About Pageviews:

  • Total Views: Pageviews represent the total number of times any page of your listing has been loaded, regardless of the visitor.

  • Repetitive Clicks: Multiple pageviews can be generated by a single user during a session, especially if they’re heavily researching the product.

Where to Find Sessions vs Pageviews Data?

  1. Log in to your Seller Central account.

  2. Within Seller Central, there’s a dedicated section for reports that provide insights into your sales and traffic.

  3. Under the Reports section, you’ll find a specific category for Business Reports

amazon business reports

4. Choose the right report:

    • For overall session and pageview data: Select the Sales and Traffic report. This report provides a comprehensive overview of your traffic, total sales, user visits, and buy box percentage on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can analyze trends and track overall customer interest in your listings.

    • For session and pageview data for each product page: If you want to see a more granular breakdown, choose the Detail Page Sales and Traffic report. This report dives deeper, showing you sessions and pageviews specifically for each of your product listings. This allows you to identify which products are generating more interest and engagement.

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Which (Sessions vs Pageviews) is More Important Metric?

Amazon sessions vs page views

There isn’t a clear-cut answer to whether sessions or pageviews are inherently more important. They both provide valuable insights but for different aspects of customer behavior on your Amazon listing.

Sessions tell you how many unique visitors you’re attracting, which is crucial for understanding overall interest in your product. High sessions indicate strong potential for increased sales, especially if you’re running marketing campaigns to drive traffic.

On the other hand, pageviews delve deeper into how visitors engage with your listing itself. A high number of pageviews suggests they’re actively browsing different variations or comparing features – all positive signs of deeper engagement that could lead to a purchase.

However, if you’re seeking just one primary traffic metric to monitor, consider tracking sessions, as it ultimately indicates how many unique visitors you are driving to your product detail page.

Leveraging Sessions and Pageviews for Listing Optimization

Now that you understand the distinction, how can you use these essential metrics to improve your listings?

  • Session to Pageview Ratio: A high session-to-pageview ratio (closer to 1:1) indicates users are engaged and exploring your listing thoroughly. A low ratio might suggest visitors are bouncing off quickly.

  • Average Session Duration: A longer average session duration suggests users are finding your listing informative and valuable. Aim to increase this metric by optimizing content and user experience.

  • Pageviews per Session: Analyze which pages within your listing receive the most views. This can reveal areas of high interest or identify sections requiring improvement.

Final Thoughts on Amazon Sessions vs Pageviews:

Amazon Sessions and Pageviews may seem similar, but they offer different perspectives on how customers interact with your products. By understanding these metrics and using them effectively, you can improve your Amazon presence, attract more customers to your Amazon store, and increase sales. The key lies in recognizing the unique insights each metric provides and leveraging them to make informed decisions for your business on Amazon.

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