Amazon Attribution: Everything You Need to Know in 2024


Ever felt like you are throwing darts in the dark when it comes to your marketing efforts outside Amazon for your Amazon business?

You are not alone.

Many Amazon sellers run campaigns across social media, search engines, email marketing, and even influencer marketing, but measuring how each effort impacts their actual Amazon sales can feel like a guessing game.

This is where Amazon attribution helps.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into what Amazon Attribution is, how it works, who can benefit from it, its associated costs, the advantages it brings to the table, and a step-by-step guide on creating an Amazon Attribution campaign.

What is Amazon Attribution?

Amazon Attribution is a measurement and analytics tool specifically designed for businesses selling on Amazon. It allows you to track and analyze the performance of your marketing efforts outside the Amazon-sponsored and DSP ad ecosystem.

If you are running marketing campaigns on platforms such as social media (like Meta or TikTok), search engines (like Google or Bing), email marketing, or influencer marketing, Amazon Attribution can help you understand how customers engage with your product on Amazon after clicking a link from these external sources.

How Does Amazon Attribution Work?

Amazon Attribution works by assigning unique tracking tags to your marketing efforts outside of the Amazon ecosystem. These unique tags are appended to the links that you share on social media or email marketing campaigns.

When a customer clicks on a tagged link and lands on an Amazon product page or store, Amazon Attribution tracks their behavior and attributes any subsequent purchase to the original marketing source.

Who Can Use Amazon Attribution?

Amazon Attribution is accessible in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain for the following groups:

  • Professional sellers enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry (ABR)

  • Vendors

  • Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) authors

  • Agencies with clients selling on Amazon

Eligible sellers and vendors can access and utilize Amazon Attribution through two primary methods:

  1. Self-service console: This is a user-friendly platform within Amazon Seller Central or Amazon Vendor Central where you can create tags, manage campaigns, and access reports.

  2. Tool providers integrated with the Amazon Ads API: Third-party marketing platforms and analytics tools can integrate with Amazon Attribution, allowing you to manage and analyze data within their interface.

What Can You Track Using Amazon Attribution?

Amazon Attribution allows you to track various metrics that can influence sales on Amazon, such as:

  1. Click-throughs

  2. Impressions

  3. Detailed page views

  4. Purchase rate

  5. Add to cart

  6. Total sales

Amazon Attribution Cost

Amazon Attribution itself is a free service. However, you will still need to pay for the cost of your non-Amazon marketing campaigns (e.g., advertising costs, social media management tools, etc.).

Benefits of Amazon Attribution

  1. Holistic Marketing Insights: Amazon Attribution provides a holistic view of the customer journey, helping advertisers understand how different touchpoints contribute to conversions on Amazon. This enables more informed decision-making in optimizing marketing strategies.

  2. Optimized Ad Spend: By identifying the most effective marketing channel and advertising campaigns, advertisers can allocate their budget more efficiently. This optimization ensures that resources are invested in activities that drive the highest return on investment.

  3. Improved Campaign Performance: With insights from Amazon Attribution, advertisers can refine their messaging, creative elements, and targeting strategies for external marketing campaigns, leading to improved overall campaign performance.

  4. Enhanced Cross-Channel Coordination: Amazon Attribution facilitates better coordination between internal and external marketing teams. This alignment helps create a seamless customer experience across different touchpoints.

How to Create an Amazon Attribution Campaign

When creating your attribution campaign, you can choose from two creation methods: manual campaign or bulk upload campaign. We’ll explore step-by-step instructions for creating each type of campaign:

Manual Campaign

Here’s how you can set up Amazon attribution tags manually:

Step 1 – Sign in to the advertising console, find the “Measurement and Reporting” option from the left icons menu, and select “Amazon Attribution.”

amazon ads amazon attribution

Step 2 – Once you are inside the attribution dashboard, click on the “Create new” button.

Step 3 – Once you’re on the “New Campaign” page, under “Creation method,” choose the “Create manually” option.

create amnaully amazon attribution

Step 4 – Enter a campaign name. It is important to name your campaign relevant to the advertised products and the channel where you’ll promote your product so that you can easily find a campaign once you have created a long list of campaigns.

Amazon-Attribution campaign name (1)

Step 5 – Choose the products you wish to advertise.


Step 6 – Create an ad group name. It is recommended to create 1 ad group per non-Amazon marketing channel, tactic, or creative. Each ad group receives a unique attribution tag and will allow you to measure Amazon conversions for the products selected during order creation. For instance, you can create a separate ad group for Facebook ad, Google ad, or email, for the same product, get a unique attribution tag for each platform, and track each tag separately.

Step 7 – Next, choose the website, app, or other property where you will promote the product, such as Facebook, Google, display ad networks, etc.

Step 8 – Choose the channel type (for example, Display, Video, Social, Search, or Email).

Step 9 – Enter the destination URL for redirecting the user when a user clicks your ad, email, or social media post. This is basically the URL of your product detail page or Brand Store page.

Amazon-Attribution-ad group (1)

Bulk Upload Campaign:

Bulk upload campaigns allow you to create multiple attribution tags simultaneously for Google Search, Facebook, and Instagram ad campaigns, saving you a significant amount of time. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create campaigns using bulk upload:

Step 1 – On the “New campaign” page, under “Creation method,” choose the “Upload a file to create in bulk” option.

Step 2 – In the “Bulk upload settings” section, under “Publisher,” select either Google Ads or Facebook/Instagram, depending on your campaign type.

amazon attribution bulk upload campaigns

Step 3 – Download the bulk file template and fill it with information about all your campaigns. Depending on the publisher you choose, templates may vary slightly, but they are generally straightforward to complete.

For example, in the Google Ads template, you need to provide details such as the campaign name, ad group name, keyword, destination URL, keyword ID, and final URL prefix.

Amazon attribution bulk upload template

If you are creating campaigns for Google Ads, here’s how to gather information for your template:

  • Log in to your Google Ads account.

  • Select “Reports,” then click on “Custom” and “Table.”

  • Choose the necessary columns from the list of available columns.

  • Download the report and copy the contents into the Amazon Attribution bulk file template. Save it as an XLS/XLSX file.

If you are creating campaigns for Facebook or Instagram Ads, here’s how to gather information for your template:

  • Log in to Meta Ads Manager.

  • On the “Campaigns” page, select the campaign(s) you want to measure.

  • Click the “Export & Import” icon next to “Preview,” and then click “Selected” under the “Export” section. If you want to measure all of your Facebook campaigns, select “All.”

  • Copy the contents into the Amazon Attribution bulk file template and save it as an XLS/XLSX file.

Step 4 – Once you have filled the template, return to the advertising console under “Bulk upload settings” and upload your completed bulk file template. Once selected, the file will be immediately reviewed for errors. If you receive error messages, correct them and reselect the file for upload.

Step 5 – Finally, within the products pane, select all the products for which Amazon will track the conversion event when a user clicks on your attribution link.

Click the “Create” button to finish setting up the campaign.


By implementing Amazon Attribution effectively, you can gain valuable insights into the impact of your non-Amazon marketing efforts on your Amazon sales. This data-driven approach empowers you to optimize your marketing strategy, maximize your ROI, and ultimately achieve your business goals on the world’s largest online marketplace.

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