Amazon Advertising Reports: How to Analyze & Utilize Them


Do you regularly review your Amazon advertising reports?

If not, you may be missing out on numerous opportunities.

Amazon offers a treasure trove of data and insights through its reports that can help you optimize your ad campaigns and achieve your advertising objectives.

In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into the various Amazon ads reports and explore how to use them to improve your campaigns and maximize ROAS.

How to access Amazon advertising reports?

Step 1: Log in to your Amazon Ads console.

Step 2: Click the “Measurement & Reporting” icon in the left menu bar of your advertising console.

Amazon ads report

Step 3: Select “Sponsored Ads Report”.

Amazon ads reporting

Step 4: Inside the reports console, click on the “Create Report” button.

Amazon ads reporting

Step 5: Choose the report category and type you wish to download.

Amazon ads reporting

Step 6: Select the time unit (‘Summary’ or ‘Daily’) and the reporting period.

(Daily vs Summary – A daily report will provide you with performance data on a daily basis. For instance, if a target receives 10 clicks on 1st Jan and 15 clicks on 5th Jan, you’ll see two different rows for 5th and 10th Jan in your report. On the other hand, a summary report will show you aggregated data of the same target in one single row.)

Step 7: Click on the “Run report” button.

Amazon ads reporting

Step 8: Now Amazon will take you back to the report manager page. Once your report is processed, click on the download icon to get it in an Excel file.

Amazon Advertising Report types

Depending on the ad type, Amazon provides various types of reports for targets, search terms, and campaigns. Here is a quick overview of the report types available for Sponsored ProductsSponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display campaigns:

Key Metrics you’ll find in an Amazon Ads report

  • Campaign name: The name of the campaign.
  • Ad group name: The name of the ad group.
  • Targeting: The name of the target in an ad group.
  • Impressions: The number of times ads were displayed to shoppers.
  • Clicks: The number of times shoppers clicked on the ads.
  • Click-Thru Rate (CTR): The ratio of ad clicks to ad impressions, indicating how often shoppers click on the ad when it is displayed.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): The average cost paid for each ad click.
  • Spend: The total amount spent on the campaign to generate clicks or impressions.
  • 7 Days/14 Days sale: The total product sales that you’ve received on your ads within 7/14 days (7 days attribution for Sponsored Products and 14 days attribution for Sponsored Brands and Display Ads) from the date your ad was clicked.
  • Total Advertising Cost of Sales (ACOS): The percentage of ad sales spent on advertising to drive sales.
  • Total Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS): The ratio of total product sales to total advertising spend, indicating the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising.
  • 7 Day/14 Day Total Orders: The total number of orders for all SKUs within a 7 or 14-day look-back window.
  • Total Units: The total number of units ordered by shoppers after clicking on the ads.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of users who placed orders relative to the total number of users who visited the product detail page.
  • Advertised SKU/ASIN: The product is advertised in the given ad group.
  • Advertised SKU Units: Units sold of products advertised in the ad group.
  • Other SKU Units: Units sold of products not advertised in the ad group.
  • Advertised SKU Sales: Sales generated from the advertised SKUs in an ad group.
  • Other SKU Sales: Sales generated from the products not advertised in the ad group.
  • Average Time in Budget: The percentage of time your campaign was in budget.

Sponsored Products Report

1. Search Terms Report

Have you ever wondered which search terms led shoppers to click on your sponsored ads?

Search term reports can provide you with this valuable information.

A search term report tells you the exact keyword or ASIN that prompted shoppers to click or purchase your products.

You can utilize this report to identify high-converting terms originating from auto or broad campaigns, allowing you to use them in your exact campaign for greater control.

Similarly, the report can be used to identify search terms with a high ACOS or no conversions after significant clicks. By adding these terms as negative terms in your campaign, you can reduce wasted ad spend.

2. Targeting Report

The targeting report displays all the keywords and targets you are targeting in each of your campaigns. It shows how your different targets are performing over time. You can use this report to find bid optimization opportunities.

For example, if you see that one of your targets has very few ad impressions but a good CTR, increasing bids can enhance the visibility of your ad for that target.

Similarly, if ACOS for one of your targets is higher than the average, you can consider decreasing the bids for such targets to bring down the CPC and ACOS.

3. Advertised Products Report

Advertised products report provides insights about sales and performance data for advertised ASINs across all campaigns with at least one impression.

4. Campaign Report

Campaign reports provide a summary of a campaign’s performance during a certain period.

You can use this report to find non-profitable or less profitable campaigns where you can slow down with bids and budget. Similarly, there can be some highly profitable campaigns where you’ll have the opportunity to double down with bids and budgets.

5. Budget Report

The budget report shows the average time your campaigns were within budget, along with the estimated impressions, clicks, and sales that you may have missed due to the limited daily ad budget in a campaign.

Ideally, you would want your high-performing campaigns to always stay within budget. You can use this report to identify high-performing campaigns with an ‘Average Time in Budget’ percentage lower than 100%.

6. Placement Report

Your sponsored products ad could show up at the top of Amazon search results, the rest of the search results, or on a product detail page.

The placement report provides visibility into the performance of a campaign on different placements. You can use this report to find campaigns that could benefit from adjusting the bid modifier of a placement.

For example, if you see that one of your ads has a 20% ACOS on top of the search, 34% on the product page, and 35% on the rest of the search, then you may want to bid higher for the top of search placement to get highest possible visibility from top performing placement.

7. Purchased Product Report

There can be cases when a shopper clicks on your advertised product but ultimately purchases a different product from your catalog.

For example, a customer might click on your ad in SERPs and then visit your store page to purchase some other product. In this case, sales from the product purchased from the store page are still going to be attributed to the last clicked ad.

The ‘Purchased Product Report’ provides performance details of non-advertised ASINs that a shopper purchased after clicking on your ad. You can use this report to gain insights into what shoppers are buying after clicking on your ad.

8. Performance Over Time Report

This report just gives you the overall ad spend and performance of all sponsored product campaigns combined for a selected date range.

9. Search Term Impression Share Report

The Search Term Impression Share report provides two crucial performance metrics for all your search terms:

Search Term Impression Share: 

This metric represents the percentage of your impression shared with other advertisers who have received impressions for the same search term. For instance, if your sponsored product ad’s attributed impression share is 50% for the keyword ‘protein powder’ on March 1st, it means that your sponsored product ad received 50% of the impressions that the search term ‘protein powder’ garnered on that date, while other advertisers received the remaining 50%.

Search Term Impression Rank: 

This is a numeric rank indicating your ad’s impression share relative to other advertisers who have received impressions for the same search term. For example, if your impression share rank for a particular keyword is 3, it means that two other advertisers received more impressions than you on that day.

You can leverage this report to identify high-converting terms where you have a low impression share, indicating an opportunity to capture more market share by increasing your bid.

10. Gross and Invalid Traffic Report

Invalid traffic refers to impressions and clicks coming from fraudulent, involuntary, non-human, or duplicate traffic.

Amazon only bills you for valid traffic.

This report provided transparency into the gross and invalid traffic identified by Amazon at the campaign level.

Sponsored Brands Reports

1. Keyword Report

Keyword reports provide insights about performance metrics for targets in all your campaigns. Don’t confuse ‘keyword’ with just keyword targets; you’ll also get your ASINs and category targets in this report.

You can use this report to see how your targets are performing over time; this can help you optimize your targets effectively based on their historical performance.

2. Keyword Placement Report

Keyword placement reports provide insights into the performance of your target keywords across various sponsored brand ad placements.

Unlike Sponsored Product ads, Amazon provides placement-level data for only two types of sponsored brand ad placements: ‘top of search’ and ‘placements other than top of search,’ which includes both ‘rest of the search’ and ‘product page results.

3. Campaign Report

Campaign reports provide a summary of Sponsored brand ads’ performance by the campaign for a specific date range.

4. Campaign Placement Report

The placement report provides visibility into the performance of your campaign across different placements. You can use this report to find campaigns that could benefit from adjusting bids by placement.

5. Search Terms Report

The search terms report provides exact keywords or ASINs that led shoppers to your products. You can use this report to identify underperforming targets that can be negated to reduce wasted ad spend or to discover new keyword opportunities that can be targeted in other match types to increase visibility.

6. Search Term Impression Share Report

The search term impression share report provides insights into the percentage of share your ad receives for a search term relative to all the other advertisers who have received impressions on the same term.

7. Category Benchmark Report

Category benchmark report provides insights into how your Sponsored Brand ad performed within the specific category or sub-category.

It provides a breakdown of your Impression Share, CTR, ACOS, and ROAS relative to your peers in each category and subcategory.

For each metric, Amazon will show the performance of the top 25%, median 50%, and bottom 25% of your peers.

8. Attributed Purchase Report

The Attribute purchase report provides insights into the exact product purchased by the shopper after clicking on your Sponsored brand ads.

9. Gross and Invalid Traffic Report

This report provided transparency into the gross and invalid traffic metrics identified by Amazon at the campaign level.

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Sponsored Display

1. Campaign report

Campaign reports provide a summary of Sponsored Display ad campaign performance for a specific date range.

2. Targeting report

Target reports provide insights about performance metrics for targets in all your Sponsored Display ad campaigns.

3. Advertised product report

Advertised products report provides insights about sales and performance metrics for advertised ASINs across all Sponsored Display campaigns with at least one impression.

You can use this report to see how your advertised SKUs are performing over time to help you determine if you need to change your advertising strategy for an SKU.

4. Purchased product report

The Purchased Product Reports provide performance details of non-advertised ASINs a shopper purchased after clicking your ad. You can use this report to gain insights into what shoppers are buying after clicking on your ad.

5. Matched target report

The Matched Target report provides insights into the exact ASINs that led shoppers to click on your Sponsored Display ad. 

You can use this report to discover high-performing ASINs that your ads are appearing against and use them as new product targets within your Sponsored Display Ads.

6. Gross and Invalid Traffic report

This report provided transparency into the gross and invalid traffic metrics identified by Amazon at the campaign level.

Final Thought On Amazon Ads Reports

To make informed, results-oriented choices, your approach to Amazon PPC optimization should rely on data. A crucial part of this process involves frequent review and interpretation of your Amazon advertising reports, which can provide valuable insights and help identify areas that can be improved.

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